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8 Safety Tips For Running At Night


Running outside at night can sometimes become inevitable for us. Not able to find time for a run during the day or the absence of a 24 hour gym near us could be the reasons why we are not able to avoid but go for a run outside at night. Running at night could be risky and essential safety measures must be taken to avoid unforeseen circumstances. No workout is worth risking our general health and well being. Below are some of the important safety measures, I personally feel must be given importance.


1. Stay close to home.

​Choose a couple of short routes close to home when you decide to run at night. This is not the time to explore new areas, rather choose a familiar route so you dont get lost. If you need to cover a long distance such as a 10 km, double up a 5 km route, rather than going far away from home. Also do not run on the same route everytime, in order to avoid being tracked by strangers. Instead switch the routes which you have established.

2. Run alongside the traffic.

Run on the pavement alongside the moving traffic, preferably along the bus route. You might need to hop on a bus if you sense any danger or if you think you do not recognise the routes. For this reason, you must always carry your Travel Pass with you.

3. Carry an ID with you.

Always carry an ID with you. This could be your Student card, or your Driving licence. You might get hurt or fall sick during your run and this might become useful incase the passersby need to identify you or contact your family.

4. Activate Live Tracker on your phone.

Live tracker Apps are very useful and must be installed in every phone. This will help your family or friends track you, in case you might get delayed or you are not able to contact them. I use Life360 on my phone. Apart from Live tracking it also has a one click Help Alert button, which could be very useful in times of emergency.

5. Remember the Emergency Contact Number.

Its a must to remember the Emergency Contact Number such as 999 not only when you are out at night but for every other emergency situations. Be aware of your environment and report anything suspicious or abnormal. Accidents or attacks can happen anywhere and everywhere. Its better to be prepared and reach out for help as soon as possible.

6. Stay visible.

Run on a well-lit surrounding so you can see everything clearly around you. More importantly wear reflective clothing, so that you are visible to everyone aound you, specially to moving vehicles. Reflective clothings and shoes are easily available in shops for runners and cyclists. Its no doubt a good investment if you are one of the night runners.

7. Leave the Headphones behind

Music is the last thing you should be listening to when running outside at night. You need to be aware of your surrounding, the sound of vehicles and noises around you are. This will help you to immediately react to any unforeseen circumstances if any, in order to keep you safe.

8. Run with a partner.

Running alone in the night in quieter roads could be dangerous, so its better to run with a partner. This is particlarly important for women who become easy prey to attackers. 


I personally love to run out in the night. Its peaceful and less crowded, but I make sure that I have taken all necessary precautions in order to make my run tension-free and fun.

About the Author Shabana

The more I learnt about the importance of Health in Islam, the more it made me wonder why we, as Muslims, particularly as Muslim Women, are not as fit and healthy as we are supposed to be. Alongside learning about Health in Islam, I dedicated 3 years, learning about the role of food and exercises in a Healthy Body and Mind. I am now a qualified Nutrition Advisor and a Personal Trainer. My mission is to empower YOU with the teachings of Islam along with easy to follow nutrition and workout plans, to take control of your health, not only to enjoy the benefits in this world but to have a beautiful Aakhirah too. So join me on this beautiful journey, because woman, you have NO excuse :)

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