
Weight Training for Women

Module 1

Module Structure

This video lesson explains why Weight Training is crucial for all women. The benefits are explained using real life examples and backed by scientific evidences. Today, at the age of 48, I am stronger, more confident and independant than any other time in my life. Alhumdulillah. Weight Training has played a huge role in my present Mental and Physical wellbeing.If you have any questions on weight lifting please post them below. I would love to answer them.

This video lesson explains the Risks of not lifting weights in the right manner. Just knowing the benefits of weight training is not enough. Its more important to know HOW TO WEIGHT TRAIN. We need to follow some Rules of Weight Training while working out in order to enjoy its benefits. This lesson also lists down the content of the next Video Lesson, 'How to Weight Train'.

In this Video Lesson you will learn the different 'Rules of Weight Training' so that you can workout effectively and without any injuries. In this lesson, you will also learn 'How to choose the right weight for yourself' to start Weight Training with. I will be explaining all of this, just like I would be explaining to my clients on a one to one Personal Training Sessions.

This Full Body Workout is easy to follow and can be done at Home. This 45 minute workout video consists of Warm up exercises, Main workout and the Cool down exercises. You will be working out with me where I will be guiding you with the proper instructions and guidelines throughout the workout. This way you will also be able to apply the Rules Of Weight Training to the different exercises in the workout, which was explained to you in the previous lesson.

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