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Fitness during Ramadan – Diet and Workout


Introduction - Fitness during Ramadan 

Fitness during Ramadan becomes challenging because of the hot weather and going without food and drink for long hours. Does this mean we should stop our exercises during this month of Ramadan ? 

No doubt this holy month will need us to spend more time worshipping, understanding the Quran and increasing in our good deeds. And why not ? This is the month where one good deed is multiplied by 70 times. SubhanAllah. Don't we increase our shopping during the time of sales? We know that we are going to get more stuff by paying less. Similarly in the month of Ramadan, we should take the opportunity to increase our worship and good deeds so that we get more and more rewards. 

At the same time we cannot ignore our physical fitness completely during this month. Even though there will be limitations, we can still find out time for our workouts during this month. Its particularly important for all those who have been working out on a regular basis. Experts say, that missing out one month's workout is like missing out four months' of exercise. This means that this is going to affect our cardiovascular and resistance strength to a great extent. For all those who are totally new to exercise, this is not the month to start any new exercise program. Instead you can include some walks, light jogs or stretching exercises in your routine for this month.

We must remember, that we are not going to have the same energy level during this month, so our main aim should be to maintain our current fitness level rather than taking our exercises to a crazy level, trying to beat our personal bests or trying new exercises. Saying that, just maintaining our current fitness level could itself be challenging, but it is not impossible. We need to keep certain points in mind before starting a workout programme for this month.

These important points are listed below. Watch the video to know more :

What you should know before starting a workout program during Ramadan? 

  • 1
    What to eat and drink to fuel our Workouts during Ramadan ?
  • 2
    How many times in a week should we workout during Ramadan ?
  • 3
    At what intensity should we workout during Ramadan ?
  • 4
    What is the best time of the day to workout during Ramadan ?
  • 5
    How to prepare for Iftar ?
  • 6
    Watch the video for the answers to all the above questions.  

Let me know in the comments section below if this video has been useful to you.

About the Author Shabana

The more I learnt about the importance of Health in Islam, the more it made me wonder why we, as Muslims, particularly as Muslim Women, are not as fit and healthy as we are supposed to be. Alongside learning about Health in Islam, I dedicated 3 years, learning about the role of food and exercises in a Healthy Body and Mind. I am now a qualified Nutrition Advisor and a Personal Trainer. My mission is to empower YOU with the teachings of Islam along with easy to follow nutrition and workout plans, to take control of your health, not only to enjoy the benefits in this world but to have a beautiful Aakhirah too. So join me on this beautiful journey, because woman, you have NO excuse :)

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