Dangers of Sleeping on Your Stomach
This video highlights the dangers of sleeping on your stomach. This sleeping position causes many health problems, some of which can even be life threatening. We spend one third of our life sleeping so its very important that we sleep in the correct position. Sleeping on your stomach can bring you many health problems such as spinal problems and back pains. Sleeping on your stomach puts pressure on the internal organs such as the stomach, intestines, lungs etc. and thus prevents the proper functioning of these organs. You are forced to keep your head turned in one positions for several hours of sleeping in this position, which leads to neck pains, headaches and tingling in the arms.
Sleeping on the stomach is recognised as the worst sleeping position by science today. Interestingly, this sleeping position has been criticised by our Prophet (saw) 1400 years ago. It has been mentioned in a Hadith in Bukhari that Prophet (saw) says that 'Allah dislikes this sleeping position'. We must strive to follow the Sunnahs in order to lead a healthy and happy life.
So what is the best sleeping position as per the Sunnah ? Watch this video to know more.
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