Body Mind Fit Muslimah
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All posts by Shabana

Real Health Benefits – Not Just Physical and Mental

A healthy body and mind has many health benefits. It helps us maintain a healthy weight, prevents diseases, gives us energy and improves our performance. We all know this. But are we aware of the Real Health Benefits of having a healthy body and mind ?

Did I make you roll your eyes ?

Let’s find out

Were you able to get up this morning and offer your morning prayer / Fajr salah with full concentration?


You performed an act of worship / Ibaadah effectively and made Allah happy.

Were you able to get up and prepare a healthy breakfast for your family with full vigour and energy?


You made your family happy. You performed an act of Ibaadah effectively.

Yes. Exactly. Ibaadah is not just about worshipping Allah.

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Sunnah of Healthy Lifestyle

Allah SWT has made this world beautiful for us to enjoy. He says in the Quran, “We put in this world, the means for you to live well”. He has given us Islam, which doesn’t deny us the opportunity to live well in this world, to enjoy and attain pleasures here.

Is Allah saying that this is the whole purpose of us being here? Not at all. This life is not just about acquiring physical things or physical pleasures. Rather, it’s about attaining the purpose of finding the one who made us and then see how He wants us to live our lives.

So every moment we spend in this world should have something more than just enjoying that moment. Everything we do must be done to strengthen our relationship with Allah.  That’s the main purpose of our life – to strengthen our relationship with Allah SWT.

How can our body help us strengthen our relationship with Allah ? The answer is :

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 “Teach your children swimming, archery and horse riding” Said Prophet Muhammad (saw), narrated in a Hadith by Hazrat Ibn Umar (R.A).
Prophet (saw) encouraged sports for both men and women, which also included learning how to swim. Being able to swim not only brings health benefits but also prevents us from drowning during times of flood  and water voyage.

Swimming is a healthy lifetime activity for everyone whether it’s a 1 year old or 101 years old. Swimming is a water based exercise which comes with many physical and psychological benefits for all.

Swimming is beneficial for one and all, especially for those who are not physically fit to exercise.

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Muslim Women And Sports

Studies have shown that very few Muslim women participate in sports compared to the other faith groups. According to Sports England’s latest participation figures, less than one in five Muslim females exercise at least once a week – lower than any other faith group. This makes me wonder why. Especially when according to the Sunnah of our Rasoolallah (saw), Muslims should be leading in these figures.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle was the Sunnah of our Rasoolallah (saw) and healthy lifestyle was encouraged for both men and women. Then why is it that very few Muslim female participants are there in competitive sports events, compared to other faith groups.

Does this mean that sports should not be encouraged for Muslim women?

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It’s All In The Heart

“Verily in the body there is such a piece of flesh that if it remains alright the whole body keeps well but if this piece of flesh develops some defect the whole body becomes unhealthy. Behold,- this piece of flesh – it is heart.” (Bokhari, Muslim)

Heart failures and heart diseases do not necessarily occur in fat or obese people only. A heart can become weak for many other reasons other than eating fatty foods. Depending on this, heart failures can happen to any body. Fat or thin, young or old.

Are you at risk of any Heart problems ? Find out before its too late ! Because when your heart fails, everything fails.

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Our Body : A Gift From Allah

Allah SWT has gifted us with a brilliantly designed body. It is given to us, by Allah as a trust. Allah encourages us to take care of our body. So we must not abuse or neglect it. It must be kept in good form.

We have full control over our body in this world. On the Day of Judgement we will lose all control over our body. Our body will testify against us with regards to how we treated it in this world. Obesity, an inadequate diet, laziness and weakness are all afflictions which we all will be accounted for.

Are we ready to face that day ?

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Why to be body and mind fit ?

When we take care of our body in this world, Allah takes care of us in the Aakhirah !

We are here in this world for the sake of Allah and each one of us has one goal – Jannah. No doubt, we get caught in the trials and tribulations of this world and lose track of our ultimate goal.

Each one of us has a house waiting for us in Jannah. That’s the place we all want to be. Our Permanent Destination.

Our body can lead us there. Find out how.

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