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All posts by Shabana

Dangers of Sleeping On Your Stomach



Dangers of Sleeping on Your Stomach

This video highlights the dangers of sleeping on your stomach. This sleeping position causes many health problems, some of which can even be life threatening. We spend one third of our life sleeping so its very important that we sleep in the correct position. Sleeping on your stomach can bring you many health problems such as spinal problems and back pains. Sleeping on your stomach puts pressure on the internal organs such as the stomach, intestines, lungs etc. and thus prevents the proper functioning of these organs. You are forced to keep your head turned in one positions for several hours of sleeping in this position, which leads to neck pains, headaches and tingling in the arms.

Sleeping on the stomach is recognised as the worst sleeping position by science today. Interestingly, this sleeping position has been criticised by our Prophet (saw) 1400 years ago. It has been mentioned in a Hadith in Bukhari that Prophet (saw) says that 'Allah dislikes this sleeping position'. We must strive to follow the Sunnahs in order to lead a healthy and happy life.

So what is the best sleeping position as per the Sunnah ? Watch this video to know more.

Let me know in the comments section below how this video has been useful to you.

Take Care of Your Heart – The Sunnah Way


Our heart works non stop to keep us alive. We have been advised how to take care of our heart 1400 years ago through the Sunnah of Healthy Lifestyle. Take care of your heart and avoid doctor visits.

Like and Share this video with your family and friends and spread the beautiful message of our Religion.

Role of Sports in Islam


Sports was the Sunnah of our Prophet (saw). Unfortunately, this Sunnah is one of the most neglected Sunnahs. This video brings forward various Hadiths mentioning the different types of sports practiced and encouraged by our Prophet (saw). He encouraged Sports for both men and women. It should be included in our daily life to stay healthy in this world and earn the rewards for the Hereafter.

Please share this video with your family and friends and spread the beautiful message of Islam.

Eat From The Good Things That We Have Provided For You – Quran 2:172


Islam encourages us to eat healthy and avoid all that is bad for our health.

This video discusses in detail how we can avoid unhealthy food and get addicted to healthy eating.

Let me know in the comments section below, how the points discussed in the video have helped you control your cravings for unhealthy food.

Running – No Big Deal


This video is to inspire everybody who is able to get up on their feet now and can easily go out for a run.

I made this short video while I was recovering from a bad knee injury and was really missing my runs. Hope this is an inspiration for all.

Let me know in the comments section below if you went out for a run after this video 🙂

What is Sports Nutrition

What is sports nutrition


Why do we need to eat for the activities we do in our daily life ? Watch this short video to understand why our body needs extra calories for the extra physical activity that we do and what are the consequences if we don't eat enough?

Let me know in the comments section below, if you have any questions regarding the calorie needs of our body.

Don’t Wait for Tomorrow


I made this short video as I was waiting for my knee to heal completely before I could start running again. We take things for granted until its gone. 

Take care of your health today, because today you can.  Do not wait for tomorrow because we don't know what tomorrow has in store for us.

Let me know in the comments section below if this video motivated you to take care of your health today.

Workout during Leg Injury


I was not allowed to run during my knee injury but I could still include some gym workouts in my daily routine. This helped me maintain a good health to a great extent till I recovered. Some workout was still better than no workout at all.

I would love know about any Sports Injury you had and how you coped with it. Share your experience in the comments section below.

How to Cope with Sports Injury


This short videos explains how to stay calm and workout during sports injury. 

Let me know in the comments section below if this video has helped you cope with your injury.

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