Body Mind Fit Muslimah
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Why to be body and mind fit ?

When we take care of our body in this world, Allah takes care of us in the Aakhirah !

We are here in this world for the sake of Allah and each one of us has one goal – Jannah. No doubt, we get caught in the trials and tribulations of this world and lose track of our ultimate goal.

Each one of us has a house waiting for us in Jannah. That’s the place we all want to be. Our Permanent Destination.

Our body can lead us there. Find out how.

Let’s face it everybody. Life is not easy. The fact is, our life in this world wasn’t meant to be easy in the first place. Allah says in the Quran that we will all be tested with our affairs in this world, including our health, our wealth, our children.

Each one of us has responsibilities to fulfil in this life. A healthy body helps to fulfil our daily duties and demands of life whether we are a housewife, a mother, a full time employee, or a student. A healthy body also makes our acts of Ibaadah or worship such as Salah, Hajj, Fasting easy and more effective thus bringing us closer to Allah SWT and making our journey to Jannah enjoyable.

It is a healthy mind, which inspite of the trials of this world, convinces our body to perform our daily responsibilities for the sake of Allah. A healthy mind is convinced of the fact that Allah SWT is only interested in our efforts and intentions whether we are successful in performing our duties perfectly or not.

Today we can control our body and use it the way we want to, but on the Day Of Judgement, the same body will speak for us or against us, as to how we treated it. Obesity, an inadequate diet, laziness and weakness are all afflictions which we all will be accounted for.

Today, each one of us struggle to find time and motivation to keep ourselves fit. Remember, no matter how busy your schedule is,  you are too precious to deprive yourself of the benefits which come with having a healthy body and mind.

So lets make up our mind and promise ourselves to take care of this beautiful gift – our body.


About the Author Shabana

The more I learnt about the importance of Health in Islam, the more it made me wonder why we, as Muslims, particularly as Muslim Women, are not as fit and healthy as we are supposed to be. Alongside learning about Health in Islam, I dedicated 3 years, learning about the role of food and exercises in a Healthy Body and Mind. I am now a qualified Nutrition Advisor and a Personal Trainer. My mission is to empower YOU with the teachings of Islam along with easy to follow nutrition and workout plans, to take control of your health, not only to enjoy the benefits in this world but to have a beautiful Aakhirah too. So join me on this beautiful journey, because woman, you have NO excuse :)

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  • Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto says:

    Very informative! Keep it on!

  • ZAHED says:

    Brothers and sisters pls wake up. Take care of yourselves. It is another proof that Islam is not just a religion, it is a way of life. Look after your mind and body well and you shall be able to perform your duties and responsibilities better.

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