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11 Life Lessons I Learned From Running


1. If you don’t change, nothing will change

Three years back I was overweight and suffering from health problems. I then realised that I needed to make a change. Today I can run like a pro and am fit and healthy. Alhumdulillah.

If I hadn’t made a decision to change my situation then, it would have only got worse. So if you feel that you have been neglecting your health and your body is suffering, then it’s time for you to make a change, before it gets worse.

Similarly, in our lives we face difficult situations, situations which keep getting worse because we are not doing anything about it. Instead of accepting it as our fate, take actions to change it around. Indeed, God will not change the condition of people until they change what is in themselves. If there are problems, there are solutions. We just need to act to get there.

2. The first steps are the toughest

It is tough to get into running, specially if you had been inactive for a long time. But that shouldn’t stop you. You need to get out there. Start with small steps, but start. It will eventually get easier.

The course will not be easy. While running, you might trip and fall. But get up and continue. There will be uphills on the way too. Running on uphills is tough and slows you down, but do not let that stop you. It will only make your muscles stronger. Get up to the top, because its only downhill after that.

Similarly with life, you will face difficulties on your way, but do not give up. Striving in difficult situations strenghtens your will power, helping you to move forward. Keep striving because after every hardship there is ease.

You make efforts and God will make it easy for you. You will see the doors of success opening up for you.

3. The more grateful you are the more happy you will be.

While running can make you face challenging situations, this should not let you ignore all the things that make running possible for you bringing you various health benefits. Be grateful for those legs that help you run, for your eyes which help you see your course, the beautiful nature and, the cool breeze that freshens you up and make your running an enjoyable experience.

There will always be somebody running faster than you, having a better physique, having a better running gear. Don’t let this upset you thinking you are less fortunate. Think of the person on the wheel chair, who is not even able to stand by himself. Be grateful for what you have, focus on yourself and work harder towards your goal. The only person you should be competing with, is you. This will make you a better runner each day.

This is also true in our daily life. Each one of us have different situations and each one of us have something to be grateful for. But because we are not grateful for what we have, we constantly compare ourselves with others. Comparing ourselves with others and not being grateful for all that we have are the main reasons for our depression and sadness today.

Our hardships make us overlook all the good things we have and we fail to enjoy life. So appreciate the blessings in your life. The more grateful you are the happier you will be.

4. A little encouragement can change somebody’s life

During one of my runs, I tripped over something and fell badly. Another runner on the track, stopped his running and helped me up. Not only did he help me up, he assured me that I did well and encouraged me to continue. That encouragement made me stronger and more determined because of which I ran a longer distance that day. I am so thankful for that motivation I received. I realised that my will power was greater than my physical pain.

So, be there to help people. Help those in need so that they become help for others. You never know, that little help of yours could be the reason for a life changing event for somebody, that your little encouragement could help that person break out of his fears.

5. You can do better than you think you can

You don’t know what you are capable of until you try it yourself. I can never go for my runs without a water bottle and my music. Well, that’s what I always believed, until I went running during the month of Ramadan which was during the hot summer months. I continued with my runs even while fasting, without water and music. Although my runs were slower because I was fasting, but I could hit my calorie loss goal for the day. Your body will do almost anything, it’s your mind that needs to be convinced.

Similarly, in life we need to come out of our comfort zones and try to do things which we thought we could never do. You will be amazed at your performance.

6. Fear of Failure can help you perform better

Running uphill makes it tougher to maintain the same pace as that of running on the flat surface. During uphill runs I always experience a fear of not meeting my target time. This fear of not achieving my target time, makes me run faster, resulting in me actually doing better than when I run on the flat terrain. In a way this fear actually helps me improve my performance.

This is true in our day to day life too. When you are working towards your goal, you will feel the fear and anxiety. Don’t let that fear slow you down. Give in your 100 percent. You will be happy with the results.

7. There are no short cuts to success

You need to work for that body you want. It will not happen in one day. You can’t push your body to something it is not ready for. It will only burn you out and chances are that you might also injure yourself and hamper your future runs.

You will never be able to complete your 5 km in 20 minutes if your body isn’t ready for it. If you want to see results, you need to be consistent and patient too. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

This is also very true in our daily life. We need to be consistent and patient while moving towards our goal. Nobody became successful in one day. Every successful person today has seen the tough times and dealt with the challenges with patience and perseverence.

8. Make use of all the available resources to reach your goals

It’s essential to use our body and mind effectively to get the most out of our running. For example, maintaining a good posture is crucial for an effective run. You should be looking up straight, keeping the back straight while running. The more you slump, the more you will be restricting the blood supply to the muscles and the oxygen supply to the brain. Along with a good posture, good leg and arm motions add up to the running quality. You will also need various forms of workouts to improve the performance of your muscles involved during running. Last, but not the least you need to stay mentally focussed in order to avoid the distractions which might make you want to quit. All of this, work collectively to improve our running performance.

Using all our resources available to us to be successful in life, works exactly in the same manner. Make effective use of your time, stay away from time wasters, surround yourself with like-minded people who will help you grow. Enrol in the right courses and training programs to learn the skills you need to advance in your business or life.

9. Everyday is different

Not everyday will be a good run day. Some days you will encounter pains, cramps and the others will go smoothly. Your run timings will be better or worse than the other days. Never be disappointed with failures. Its ok to fail. 

No matter how bad the situation is, things do not remain the same forever. Same goes for our daily lives. There will be ups and downs, we will feel the emotional highs and lows. But all this will pass. Accepting failures and learning from our mistakes will prepare us better for the success lying ahead of us.

10. You laugh and the world laughs with you

When you participate in a race and finally reach the finish line. You will find people applauding and cheering for you. Unfortunately, most of these people weren’t there when you started your race and when you were struggling up there. They were not amongst those few who guided you to the right path to the finish line. They were not amongst those few who provided you with water when you were dehydrated. They were not amongst those who constantly boosted your confidence telling you that you can do it.

Similarly, when you are successful in your life, you will find that everybody is there by your side celebrating your happiness with you. You will feel like you are on top of the world. There is nothing wrong in it, but never forget those few, who have been a constant support to you during your tough times. Always be thankful to them, because they ARE your true well-wishers.

11. To improve your performance you need to take a break

The key to success is not just working hard for it but also giving yourself rest periods to recover from all the wear and tear. Exerting your body too much can lead to injury. Your muscles will perform better if your body is given time to recover.

When you are working your body and mind continuously towards your goals in life, you get exhausted physically and mentally. As the saying goes, ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’. Your immune system which is working overtime needs to be refuelled. Lack of proper rest puts your body at risk. Go away, take a vacation. This will reduce your stress and make you happier. This way you will come back recharged and concentrate better on your work.

Its never too late to start running and enjoying its benefits. If you loved this post do spread the word by sharing it. Thank You 🙂

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About the Author Shabana

The more I learnt about the importance of Health in Islam, the more it made me wonder why we, as Muslims, particularly as Muslim Women, are not as fit and healthy as we are supposed to be. Alongside learning about Health in Islam, I dedicated 3 years, learning about the role of food and exercises in a Healthy Body and Mind. I am now a qualified Nutrition Advisor and a Personal Trainer. My mission is to empower YOU with the teachings of Islam along with easy to follow nutrition and workout plans, to take control of your health, not only to enjoy the benefits in this world but to have a beautiful Aakhirah too. So join me on this beautiful journey, because woman, you have NO excuse :)

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